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R:576 / I:12 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Help thread / Tech support

Post your questions here.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

CloverOS Details

Git: https://gitgud.io/cloveros/cloveros

ISO: https://cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20190520.iso

Libre ISO: https://cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS_Libre-x86_64-20190520.iso

GPG: 78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805

IRC: #cloveros on irc.rizon.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cloveros_ga

Rsync: rsync://nl.cloveros.ga/cloveros

License: WTFPL

Mirrors: https://useast.cloveros.ga https://uswest.cloveros.ga https://ca.cloveros.ga https://fr.cloveros.ga https://nl.cloveros.ga https://uk.cloveros.ga https://au.cloveros.ga https://sg.cloveros.ga https://jp.cloveros.ga

Packages: 4421 https://cloveros.ga/s/packages.html

CFLAGS: CFLAGS="-Ofast -mssse3 -mfpmath=both -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -fgraphite-identity -floop-nest-optimize -malign-data=cacheline -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -Wl,–hash-style=gnu"

USE flags: USE="-systemd -pulseaudio -avahi -dbus -consolekit -libnotify -udisks -zeroconf -nls -doc -gnome-keyring -gstreamer -libav -openal -kde -gnome -openssl libressl bindist ipv6 cli jpeg gif png otr minimal offensive zsh-completion custom-cflags custom-optimization threads aio jit fftw lto graphite pgo numa alsa joystick xinerama wayland egl dga dri dri3 vulkan opengl opencl glamor vaapi vdpau system-ffmpeg system-icu system-libvpx system-harfbuzz system-jpeg system-libevent system-sqlite system-cairo system-compress system-images system-nss system-pixman system-vpx system-llvm system-lua system-cmark system-libyaml system-lcms system-lz4 system-uulib system-snappy system-json*****p system-binutils system-clang system-tbb system-renpy system-libs system-heimdal system-leveldb system-libmspack system-zlib system-av1"

DL & Validate ISO: gpg –keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net –recv-key "78F5 AC55 A120 07F2 2DF9 A28A 78B9 3F76 B8E4 2805"

wget https://cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20190520.iso https://cloveros.ga/s/signatures/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20190520.iso.asc

gpg –verify CloverOS-x86_64-20190520.iso.asc CloverOS-x86_64-20190520.iso

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Instead Of Showing Useful Videos To Educate People, Tech Giants Chose To Display Harmful Content

Instead Of Showing Useful Videos To Educate People, Tech Giants Chose To Display Harmful Content




Technology are playing an important role in modern day because many are using it, but technology giant companies and whoever secret groups/beings who behind those companies are fail to assist help people.

All they focus is money, title, power in the society.

As we know, there are many problems in the society, some of them are personal wealth, health, climate change or Earth planet get attacked by plastic.

All the technology companies are using some secret algorithms to display their content instead of manual picking.

The wrong of that method is they are encourage people watching, reading “harmful” videos, contents.

What are the “harmful, useless” videos, content online?

The one that do not encourage people studying, learning about real important matter of life, but only for entertaining purpose like video games, sport match, music video, etc.

Those type of videos are useless because people do not learn anything from it, waste of time.

There are many useful content such as nature Earth planet environment, traveling video, saving money/energy guide, etc.


When you are go into Youtube, Tiktok, Dailymotion, etc. , you will receive and see many random videos but most of them are harmful one from celebrities, companies own channel, etc.

Here I am talking about the default page, without any searching or after period time of watching certain content.

The similar situation apply to many other social media such as Twitter, Reddit, etc. as well.

It is harmless to display useful contents in the default page to suggest people.

Here is just suggestion because unless people clicking it to watch, otherwise it just some images.

Why tech giants companies do nothing to help the society?

Well only them have the answer.

Maybe they only care about profit money and/or power.

Maybe they are too stupid to fully understand and control technology.

Technology alone are dangerous without the control from human because most mortal humans level are not high enough to aware of show to using technology in correct way.

I am disappointed with all those secret societies/groups, royal families who are behind those technology companies as well.

They have failed to help assist the public people.

If I was in charge of the technology industry on this civilization, the entire world would never have any big war chaos like the current moment but people will live in harmony.

But I am not interested in for any mortal humans job, this article is just a suggestion and tell you the stupid wrong in technology industry, there are many more stupid decision made by human related to technology as well.

Best Regard,

Mid Mess Fair




R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


could see that one coming.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]



R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


mmm no.

a cider?

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


the swamp must be collectively shitting their pants right about now

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


kek. his 20 retarded *****ren

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


ThankQ Sir o7

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Never underestimate the power of alcohol

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


That spiral in the sky is typically a sign of a malfunctioning rocket. Looks like somebaody had a failure.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


it passed. stolen

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]



Nice graphic Anon.

Is it your's/new?


R:567 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Nigerian Knockout, Made on CloverOS





R:508 / I:4 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

CloverOS: The Movie

R:506 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


>Tommorow it's going to be the last day of school for anon and there is certainley crime that the channies must throw great justice against

>School starts 8:00am till 3:15pm. All students will be doing nothing but watching family classic, normal fag pg Disney movies on Netflix and skipping classes.

But the main factor is at 2:00pm (last period: 4), when mostly a large pile of students will be going to gym because of schedule changes,is the time we shall thy'arise in.

>The main reason that I urgently request because of our golden legacy to rebel against liberal brainwashing education and masked protests that is mainly easy for us to cave in.

Florida is an urbanized lefty hellhole land where pretty much its all a doomsday for us native floridians, no questions. All you can correctly think about is democraticism and mental fatality. In addition a large percentage of toxic advertise exposing is all in.

>School is a middle school and is also next to an elementary school. Secret entrance is between the elementary parking lot and farther to the fathest left is a small fence to jump across to autism

>Hunter boy if we really need him

>Only then must we be the only remaining heroic *****ren of kek to help end the threatening mess that continues to put more donker's in our hearts everyday, still we thy'resist strongly and loyally.

>Calling all channers, calling all of humankind

>Copy-paste this thread and spread to all of /pol/, /b/, 8chan, and /anything and other chans/.Everyone must be alerted and informed, now

>Very important links to look at:

school: https://d*****s.duvalschools.org/tlam

Google Maps put satelitte on: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Twin+Lakes+Academy+Middle+School/@30.2220985,-81.5180279,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e435334445da71


> Tommorow va a ser el último día de clases para otro y hay cierto crimen que los channies deben arrojar una gran justicia contra

> La escuela comienza de 8:00 a.m. a 3:15 p.m. Todos los estudiantes no harán más que mirar películas de Disney clásicas y normales de Disney en Netflix y omitir clases.

Pero el factor principal es a las 2:00 p.m. (último período: 4), cuando la mayoría de una gran cantidad de estudiantes irán al gimnasio debido a cambios en el cronograma, es el momento en que habremos llegado.

> La razón principal que solicito urgentemente debido a nuestro legado de oro para rebelarnos contra la educación liberal de lavado de cerebro y las protestas enmascaradas que es principalmente fácil para nosotros ceder.

Florida es una tierra de infiernos zurdos urbanizada donde prácticamente todo es un día del juicio final para nosotros floridanos nativos, sin dudas. Todo lo que puedes pensar correctamente es el demócrata y la fatalidad mental. Además, existe un gran porcentaje de exposición publicitaria tóxica.

> La escuela es una escuela intermedia y también está al lado de una escuela primaria. La entrada secreta se encuentra entre el estacionamiento de la escuela primaria y más hacia la izquierda, es una pequeña valla para saltar al autismo.

> Hunter boy si realmente lo necesitamos

> Solo entonces debemos ser los únicos niños heroicos que quedan para ayudar a terminar con el desastre amenazante que continúa poniendo más donkers en nuestros corazones todos los días, pero aún resiste fuerte y lealmente.

> Llamando a todos los canalizadores, llamando a toda la humanidad

> Copiar y pegar este hilo y extenderlo a / pol /, / b /, 8chan, y / cualquier cosa y otras chans / .Todas las personas deben recibir una alerta e información, ahora

> Enlaces muy importantes para mirar:

colegio: //d*****s.duvalschools.org/tlam

Los mapas de Google ponen el satélite en: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Twin+Lakes+Academy+Middle+School/@30.2220985,-81.5180279,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88e435334445da71

R:430 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

This Linux distro:

R:644 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

CloverOS VR

Experience a reality defying experience with CloverOS VR. It's simple. Use the ThinkVision VR headset, put it on your head, and operate the device with your body. It's a true expedition of pleasure from within.


R:614 / I:25 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

CloverOS desktops

Previous thread >>2

R:517 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Do you even wine?

R:448 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Guys we have done it.

LinusReviewsComputer has installed CloverOS GNU / Linux onto a computer

R:559 / I:22 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

the one true victor

R:457 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

I *****ually identify as Hillary Clinton. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of being a president and dropping hot sticky horse smegma on proud Americans. People say to me being a president is *****ing stupid and I should go kill myself. I don't care, I'm presidential. I donated 8,000,000,000 dollars to George Soros to install the Oval Office, military command, and the nuke codes on my wrists. For now you will refer to me as "Madam President" and post redrawn Pepe's that were modernized for the lesbian woman's world.

/CloverOS/? More like /GloverOS/

R:520 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Battlestation Thread

Post your battlestations, ripe for CloverOS.

I'll begin….

>AMD Threadripper 1950X

>NZXT Kraken X62

>Gigabyte X399 ATX TR4

>G Skill Sniper X 64GB RAM

>Samsung 860 Evo 2TB SSD

>2x Hitachi Ultrastar He10 10TB

>Coolermaster COSMOS C700P ATX Case

>2x Nvidia GeForce Titan V (2-way SLI)

>EVGA SuperNOVA T2 1600-Watt 80+ Titanium ATX Power Supply

The cost?


Sure beats your average iMac Pro, planning to install CloverOS as soon as possible.

R:378 / I:6 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

>CloverOS frequently crashes

>Decides to take it to Best Buy

R:572 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

????????Crab Rave Memes????????

Upload your best Obama is gone crab memes.

For such a small creature, it makes people extra-salty.

R:6 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Quick question, is this related to Cloverleaf Linux by chance? Just curious. pic is unrelated

R:488 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

I'll just leave this here.

And you will click it.

And you will watch it.

R:568 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Walmart releases new "OP Gaming" line

>Walmart is getting into the gaming PC business. The retailer has announced an exclusive line of three laptops and three desktop towers under the name Overpowered – and (((the specs are actually pretty good))). >The machines, available only from Walmart, have been designed in partnership with Esports Arena.

>Walmart's not gone into great detail about its desktop offerings, but we know the three models – DTW1, DTW2 and DTW3 – each come with a Core i7-8700 processor, and, respectively, a GeForce GTX 1070 GPU, a GeForce GTX 1080 and a GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. More specs and pricing details on the desktop models will be announced in due course, although some reports suggest the mid-range model will retail around $1,899.

Why would a company that can barely sell working bread and milk sell gaming PC's to 12 year old gamers?

Would you buy a inexpensive "OP Gaming" desktop when these computers hit around <$900?

Why waste money on a Walmart peasant machine when you can get a Costco Kirkland Signature PC or a Amazon preferred PC?

Has gaming PC building/buying become too easy for the masses?




R:510 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

CloverOS: Now you're playing with Autism

Happy 4.20!

CloverOS is an excellent Gentoo variant that can automatically install itself in around 5-10 minutes. A normal installation of Gentoo would take from 35 minutes to a few hours for beginner users. CloverOS is nearly perfect enough to be deployed in an enterprise setting or for a small business workspace. CloverOS is good for personal and business use.

Chromebooks are also good but not perfect in nature. Chromebook’s are marketed to be able to play Roblox, but at a mere Mobile standard. CloverOS, on the other hand, is documented to be able to run Adobe professional software like Photoshop and After Effects. Many GNU/Linux distros including Debian, PopOS, and Mint have difficulty to keep up with the exceptional standards CloverOS has set. CloverOS isn’t bogged down with systemd, pulseaudio, dbus, avahi, nls that plague major distros like Ubuntu and Fedora GNU/Linux.

If you don’t like reading paragraphs to persuade you into using CloverOS, don’t mind watching my cringeworthy video.

Thank you for your time.

Here’s the link to install CloverOS or buy a Chromebook.



R:484 / I:17 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

install gentoo

R:481 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Click this to vote for CloverOS on Distrowatch:


This can be done once every 24 hours.

R:481 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Disabling the repos?

Not to be a downer or anything but in case CloverOS development would cease to exist I'd hate to have to reinstall Gentoo completely to avoid dependency hell with the packages. My question is, would I even need to disable the repos? Would Gentoo still update the pre-compiled packages or do we have to rely on CloverOS's repository for all the updates? If we do have to rely on CloverOS's repos for the updates for certain packages would simply uninstalling all them then disabling the repos be safe?

tl;dr do we have to rely on cloveros's repos for the precompiled packages to be updated and if so is there an easy way to simply remove said packages and then disable repos

>pic unrelated

R:478 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Fantasy Murdoch

Our new site is LIVE.

The time is now to vote on what will be covered in the next Murdoch Murdoch episode.

I will put up leaderboards for the most accurate votes. If someone votes correctly multiple

times under a nick, they will get free merchandise or a gift card.

Voot Voot Voot!


R:594 / I:7 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

put the cloveros install CDs in the bag

R:465 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

If you live in a (((free))) country, even the Jews in charge think you're worthless

R:493 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Daily Reminder


Will update w/ Roblox gameplay and more soon!

R:572 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


what do you think about people who spend $500+ just to buy the newest 80 and 90 series thinkpads?

>tfw a new thinkpad can't immobilize threats

>tfw a new thinkpad comes with the newest Intel management engine and NSA backdoors

>tfw a new thinkpad's compatibility with Linux is as bad as a new Best Buy roblox machine.

>tfw all the girls in class DON'T giggle at you for owning a overpriced slate


>tfw can't pay rent or bills because you just had to spent $899 on a T480.

R:598 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


R:557 / I:6 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]



R:446 / I:1 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

*****merman: Far From Kansas Comprehensive Review

After a long day of wagecucking at Wendy's I drive home in a 2012 Prius C. While driving I remember to see a certain movie aimed at an agegroup similar to mine, the Semi-*****mer generation. My older brother and my father look at *****merman clearly as a symbolization of post-millennials. They see it trying to gain culture in a society dominated by John Deere tractor driving Boomers and a long dead Leftist era void of GRIDS or Trump to sway their minds. The Avengers Infinity War and Endgame have left MARVEL far richer than when the last movie “Homecoming” came out. When *****merman came in at the end of Endgame to promote this movie I expected a true performance that I would never forget.

The next day I take out $20 to get popcorn and an additional $35 to pay for the economy fare 9 hours before the show starts because all the tickets get sold out long before the showing begins. As I remember it was the end of ads and the comic sans text came on… “in memorium”. Simultaneously my excitement shot up faster than a North Korean missile. Pictures of Iron Man came on as if to remember a scene in Endgame that felt rather underwhelming considering Robert Downey Jr’s extensive career with Marvel. As the sequence ended, out came *****merman and his 500 lb Mexican friend. *****merman had a especially squeaky voice that sounded like scratching a beat up chalkboard.

*****merman then began going across the screen going across NuYock. The ***** in the movie theater were already flossing and the theater staff were keyed up and steaming at the mess they would have to clean up. *****merman then cooled down and the teacher said they were going to Europe to see the new Wehrmacht. The group was put on what looks like a Delta plane that all of a sudden turned into a United plane. Some old ass hipster gave up a seat on that plane and the *****mer troop *****med to Santa Maria di Castellabate. In some random river that looked more like Venice a gigantic scawy monster came out. The ***** were screaming louder than a jet airplane because the movie actually looked real. The whole experience gave the old people Vietnam flashbacks. I was also moved by how realistic the situation was.

R:509 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Empire State Donald

Happy 4th of July! New video by Atlantic!

Donald Trump is seeking to expand his powers as a president. He wants to build a marvelous wall. In order to succeed in his unquenchable passion, he needs a League of Humans to help him craft the wall. Could Trump build the wall of his dreams?

R:545 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


R:566 / I:22 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Trippy gifs

R:599 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

please help

please help i have ubuntu 20 and 14 both works except for 18 it always boots into emergency mode

R:502 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

CloverOS Minimal

Made a minimal CloverOS iso: https://0x0.st/zNUZ.txt



R:543 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

x86 32bit kernel?

Tried to boot on my Thinkpad T43, got the error that the kernel isn't i686 compatible. I guess the .iso file is 64 bit only, anyone got a 32 bit image?

R:518 / I:11 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Post Absolute Units

R:622 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Yo can anyone tell me why the ***** *none* of my Linux distros are working:

I've tried to install:

* Ubuntu (SUCKS, lags, freezes, SUCKS again)

* Debian (need a GUI)

* FreeBSD (corrupted ISO)

* Fedora (just sits there and loads when trying to install)

Like ***** Already, What *****ing Gives

And why does CloverOS look like West Coast Shit

I Guess the Dimmed Picture On Their Front Page Gave It Away :'-( Seattle Is My Guess

Also if any Linux Distro Has A Wiki, Discord, Reddit, and Twitter, It's Probably Shit

Sorry to the Schizophrenic Guy Who Spent 10 Years Doing Shit and then Got Hit By A Train

R:549 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

America in a Paragraph

People of every ethnic and religious background come to America because our republic affords them to librety and safety unavalible in many corners of the globe. This country is committed to free thought, free expression, free press, and a blind justice system. These very things that foster diversity and deter morally bankrupt ideologies like "White Nationalism". When the marketplace of ideas remains wide open, it's easy to comparison shop. To identify and to reject hollow, hateful world views. When justice is swift and blind, violence and ***** will not pay off when power is shared among all citizens and authorities they are meant to preserve.


R:463 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Gentoo niggas rise up

To arms!

R:579 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

No sound or brightness on live image

Is this normal?

R:533 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


Post your best eMacs around.

R:751 / I:549 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Post anything in this thread 2


Previous thread: >>47

R:751 / I:938 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

CloverOS desktops

Post your CloverOS desktop

R:751 / I:922 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Post anything in this thread
