i thought about this a lot. ultimately people left because after months of spammers i just started banning everyone who didn't leave their kpg antics at the door and refused to assimilate to the high quality culture i was trying to foster here. looking back i regret it and recognize it was my fault but the nature of these small communities is that it is inevitable. i could have handled things better but this board was never going to last at least not with it's founding principles intact. there just aren't enough intj types with similar priorities to sustain it. look how kpop.re turned out
i do miss what we had, a place away from cuckchan where we could discuss everything related to our shared interests without catching a 3-day. the problem is there are so few intelligent anons that fall into this niche category left. i've found a handful of others over the years but getting anyone to migrate to a dead altchan especially without drawing unwanted attention from the same shitposters we were seeking to avoid just isn't feasible. there's a lot of factors involved but mostly i think it's a generational shift. and it's taking place all across the internet, *****mers don't want long form intellectual discussion about hobbies they just want another twitter void to lob their mental illness into. we don't share the same life experiences and from what i've seen they largely resent us millennials because of it. they reject gen2+gen3 groups and have no appreciation for how they influenced the modern kpop industry they recently discovered
i guess i've become jaded and apathetic toward most of these new gen4 groups and the current concept trends but i do enjoy a few of them like ive for example. it's interesting how the dominant force of kpg now rejects classic kpop culture. they basically hate every group i like, pretty much just because i like it. posting classically beautiful talented idols is met with vitriolic word salad while objectively ugly, average idols are praised. it's not new but the increasing concerted overwhelming dominance of those types is just odd. it's like a mind virus and makes me wish we had somewhere like this to escape to
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