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96620d No.313741

BOOM! Corrupt DOJ & Jack Smith Suddenly Drop Political Witch Hunts Against Donald Trump After Win

JUST IN: The Department of Justice and Jack Smith immediately end their cases against Donald Trump.

The DOJ cited their policy that presidents can't be prosecuted however it was assumed they would work up until the "last day."

"What's interesting here is that the DOJ is moving to end them even before he takes office, citing the longstanding DOJ policy that sitting presidents can't be prosecuted."

"And there were some thought that maybe special counsel Jack Smith was going to sprint through the finish line, was going to work up until the last day, force Trump to fire him, wait till a new Attorney General was appointed."

"But that does not appear to be the thinking inside the department. The thinking is that these cases can't go forward."


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49f509 No.313743

File: 353ea89a89495f0⋯.webp (698.86 KB,1792x1024,7:4,A7C5DA5A_139F_472E_831B_0….webp)

Panic in DC.

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