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0021e7 No.313747

Good! Trump Looking At Options To END Russia-Ukraine War

The Wall Street Journal reports that Donald Trump is now inundated with competing proposals from advisers to implement his campaign promise to end the war in Ukraine by Inauguration Day.

The US president-elect reportedly has yet to approve a specific plan to bring both sides to the negotiating table, but the WSJ’s sources say all the proposals on his desk break from the Biden Administration’s approach of letting Kyiv dictate when peace talks should begin.

According to the WSJ, the options before Trump uniformly recommend freezing the war, “cementing Russia’s seizure of roughly 20 percent of Ukraine” and forcing Ukraine to suspend its pursuit of NATO membership for at least 20 years. The war’s current front line “would essentially lock in place,” and both sides would agree to an 800-mile demilitarized zone guarded by European peacekeepers and no U.S. troops or soldiers from a US-funded international body, such as the United Nations.


aka https://www.wsj.com/world/trump-presidency-ukraine-russia-war-plans-008655c0

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0021e7 No.313748

Uniformed Ukrainian Soldiers Are Threatening Donald Trump And American Citizens!

In two separate videos below, Uniformed soldiers of the Ukrainian Army seem to threaten to MURDER President-Elect Trump, then burn him in Effigy. In the other video, they machine-gun and burn a manikin dressed as a MAGA voter!

Here is the video where Ukraine Army Soldiers seem to threaten to MURDER President-elect Trump, telling him in the video he "will never be President again" and that he is a "Traitor".


In this next video, other Ukrainian Soldiers, also in Uniform, put a 2024 Trump Campaign T-shirt and a red MAGA hat on a manikin, machine-gun it, then set fire to it. Apparently they not only want to kill Trump, but voters too!


This from the armed forces of a country whose entire EXISTENCE has been paid-for and supplied by the United States government!

Maybe it is time to allow Ukraine to fall to Russia. Completely fall.


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3d0909 No.313749

File: 5d3dd403bc0a288⋯.jpg (174.35 KB,1066x999,1066:999,notPresident.jpg)

Losers gonna lose. He'll be deleted after four years - again - pick up two or three more impeachments and at least 50 new felony indictments.

Losers only know losing and nobody has ever lost as badly or as often as SuperLoser #1.

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3d0909 No.313750

Under Project 2025 You’re going to lose your social security. You’re gonna lose your 401k to more rounds of speculative investment bubbles. You’re gonna have to take in relatives. You’re gonna have to care for loved ones and watch the die without coverage. You’re gonna get gentrified out of your home by unchecked private equity driving up tax valuations on your property. You are going to be obsoleted by AI and displaced from your job.

You’re gonna watch everything that sucked get exponentially worse while your billionaire messiah chooses his rich friends and dictator allies over you every time. Keep in mind one simple fact. Trump lost a million votes between 2020 and 2024. His impeachments, the attempted coup and 34 felony convictions cost him a million votes. He literally only won because 20 million Democrats failed to show up. Trump is already fading away. One more impeachment and he's gone. Dentists won't make the same mistake twice. So yeah, the Trump era is still over.

You, personally are going to experience hardship and pain because of Trump. And you’re gonna ask what you did to deserve this. But we all know what you did.

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0021e7 No.313751



Fear mongering commie, no one would put up with any of that, and that's why we voted to upend this corrupt establishment in the first place and you know it. Keep in mind this country is *****ing massive and has more guns than it does people…. so I don't think any of that shit you said would fly very long.

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000000 No.313752


LOL, you mad nobody's trusting da plan anymore and that you're gonna lose your cushy shitposting job? Also better stock up on merc dimes while you still have a salary so you don't have to suck cock to pay for new programming socks, CIA faggot.

What are your thoughts on the Talmud and Israel's nuclear program, *****?

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0021e7 No.313753

So, as it turns out, "Agenda 2025" is a pro-war neo-con agenda and…… And Trump NEVER ENDORSED IT. LOL.

Half that shit won't happen on Trump's watch. Neo-con commies lost. Big time. Same RINOs now trying desperately to somehow stall and lose the House right now…. HA HA HA. Cowardly neo-con commie RINOS = closet Dems!!!!

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0021e7 No.313754


Gaslighting commies, it's actually THE PLAN they intentionally had for all of us….. the country just said "Hell NO!" this election is all.

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