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903091 No.313755

IT WAS ALL POLITICAL: DOJ To Fire Jack Smith, Drop All Legal Cases Against Trump

In a shocking turn of events, Fox News is reporting that "Donald Trump's legal problems have essentially all gone away since he won last night." Watch below as it is explained by Fox how the Department of Justice (DOJ) where Special Counsel Jack Smith works "cannot prosecute a sitting president," adding that Smith "will be gone from his post as special counsel, meaning the cases will be gone before Trump takes the oath of office on January 20."

BREAKING: “The DOJ, where Jack Smith works, cannot prosecute a sitting president… Fox News is told that Jack Smith will be gone from his post as special counsel, meaning the cases will be gone before Trump takes the oath of office on January 20”

— ALX ?? (@alx) November 6, 2024


All of a sudden, further admitted MSNBC, Smith and the DOJ are seeking to end their cases against Trump because they, too, recognize that there is a longstanding policy that a sitting president cannot be prosecuted:

MSNBC: Jack Smith and the DOJ seeking to end cases against Donald Trump, citing long-standing policy regarding the prosecution of a sitting president. They're terrified.

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) November 6, 2024


Trump's base is fired up about all the possibilities that might happen once Trump is inaugurated. Will the businessman-turned-political-star be everything he is promising America he will be this time around?

"Add the mainstream media to that action," suggested a commenter at Revolver about another entity, the corporate press, that needs a thorough cleaning to root out all the corruption. "They are the worst criminals in US history. It's their job to ferret out truth, be the champions of truth. Instead, they have peddled lies, supported the bureaucrats, and done the work of our enemies. Shame on them from now unto eternity."


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