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9fc3b2 No.313757

Iran Strongly Denies US Deep State Assassination Claims

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has strongly denied US claims that Iran was involved in an alleged plot to kill President-elect Donald Trump, dismissing the charge as a way to complicate matters between the US and Iran.

On Friday, the US Justice Department announced charges over the alleged plot, claiming that Iranian officials asked an Afghan national who currently resides in Tehran to surveil and ultimately assassinate Trump. "Who can in their right mind believe that a supposed assassin SITS IN IRAN and talks online to the FBI?!" Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi wrote on X.

As we all know, 'deep state' government bureaucrats and neo-con war-hawks in the US government have always disliked Donald Trump's pro-peace foreign policy and always have…. but there is one thing they hate even more: Iran as a nation state itself. It would be of great convenience if one of their enemies, Iran, was to try to kill another person they despise, Donald Trump, in order to justify another major war in the Middle East. THIS, after all, would make perfect sense and is most likely the intention of this propagandist psyop.


Araghci said that Iran respects the choice the American people made in the presidential election. "The American people have made their decision. And Iran respects their right to elect the President of their choice. The path forward is also a choice. It begins with respect," he said.

"Iran is NOT after nuclear weapons, period. This is a policy based on Islamic teachings and our security calculations. Confidence-building is needed from both sides. It is not a one-way street," he said.


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