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>the site is giving a different tripcode back, despite my secret being the same

shouldnt it be the same for Q then

Q uses the shared secret

the new salt should generate a new tripcode based on Q's shared secret from two years ago, correct?

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also 4yr delta with Q1600


also- after striking a dump truck at a public crossing in Mendon, Missouri, at 1:42 pm. There are approximately 243 passengers onboard with early reports of injuries.

same MO as before

put a dump truck on the track!

was well discussed last bread

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We stand.

We fight.


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Jane Doe was hoaxy? Now do Anne Frank.

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Did you see panda in background. What were the silver CAPS?

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Lots of

MM's today

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& they arguing amongst theyselves…

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What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

Thomas Jefferson

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A false awakening, white vs black magic

Get a better way of looking at things. We live in a dualistic evil world. God seeks to destroy it. Trump will be used by God, but doesn't mean that he is here to save us. He will save the world, but he won't save your soul.

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God bless your mother may she be taken up in the arms of love with God and Jesus and you and your family’s soul is at peace and joy from having her presence in your life. Prayers sent

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>another Don Jr typo

>talks > take

>23 mins to correct




l = 12

Jun 10 - 12 = May 29

adds a sentence

2 mins to correct


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr 05/29/2022 22:12:48

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1531096254335311872

I have an idea. Get rid of one or two of your gender studies or critical race theory “teachers” and replace them with an armed guard. Let parents vote on that!!!

Republicans need to get smart people getting ballot initiatives like this everywhere!

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>no one wants to be the first one out of the foxhole.

the only ones that do run out early are the fed clowns and alphabet agencies.

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losers gonna lose

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>I'm not exaggerating but the mattress in the room was literally 1 inch thick of bedbugs. You couldn't see any part of the mattress, just totally covered in bedbugs. Imagine the guy slept on that every night… truly a swamp creature. The sink in the room was a mountain of cigarette butts, the walls caked in yellow from the smoke.

How many stars did you give on Trip Advisor?

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>God created some people with a propensity to steal


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dog³ dare you

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Have a great day

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Think I broke it by posting to many JFK memes kek

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He's secretly pretexting he wants them to let Q Shaman go so they can keep the scheduled interview

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THEY tell us to our faces

they think we are sheep and cattle

and we were

we never paid real attention

as it was just "music and art"


i was going to post but you beat me to it


go watch Y control and Chrome and all other in frame by frame

really look

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thank you, jim!!!

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I spent a few years on an aircraft carrier.

LSO tells pilot to "call the ball" when he sights the "meatball" of the Mirror Landing System at the edge of the Flight Deck. "Roger Ball" is the LSO response to "I have the ball"

Pilot adjusts glideslope on the way in, LSO, aka "Paddles" then aids the pilot in lining up to "catch the wire" when the aircraft is in close enough the pilot can visually identify the motions LSO makes to keep wings level, or "wave off" to abort landing if LSO spots an issue like landing not fully extended or tailhook not properly deployed

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mostly peaceful protestors.

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Am struck one again at how hillary continues to stare straight ahead. Telling.

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THE CHOICE to know will be yours.

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Freedom Warriors, [24.06.22 08:20]

[ Video ]

New Yorkers running for the monkeypox jab 🙈

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Fox got Seized

This is part of the algorithm cross function teams deal, it is set up to wake the Normies, it is on time release for the elections,

Tucker went with us on this he had the option

This was From Vegas 11/17 it is all mocking bird, we are going through a transition that was unavoidable, trump is hiding and using Brandon as a straw man lol, we are going to fill the senate next prob the house but we can finish it in 24

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Q said to trust yourself.

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Is nothing more than a kangaroo court very so many lies going on there they better hope God don't strike them dead


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Well since I wasn’t here earlier I wouldn’t know that and it’s still namefagging so ***** you and my names not Karen, Dick

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Just like Chauvin, a hint at more to come at the end of sentencing.

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Crane drops tank with poisonous gas in Jordan's Aqaba port; at least 10 dead, 251 injured


That looks so movie like. So sad for the workers. damn that sucks. Do you die right away from chlorine exposure like that?

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Mar 17 2021

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The deep state traitors just keep getting away with everything…. sad.

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>that is not q, so jim is just in it for the views


that is NOT what is being said

its like this

that is not Q

because there is no DELTA BASED VERIFICATION with DJT

howeveryou feel about Jim

Jim doesn't confirm Q

Q confirms Q

using delta with DJT

via anon interaction through the creation of proofs

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WOW what a shocker bro!!

*****s working against white people???

Say it aint so!

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What happened at the Jan 6 inquisition you endured?

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Something is definitely coming. I don't know what.

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>US Capitol Police arrest Stephen Colbert staffers at House office building, charged with illegal entry

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Why does Biden always sound like he's pleading to be believed where it's everyone else's fault for thinking outside his narrow view?

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WWIII "officially" starts today.

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Texas top cop: Uvalde police could've ended rampage early on

Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin said Tuesday that the city has “specific legal reasons” that it's not answering questions publicly or releasing records.“There is no cover-up," he said in a statement.

Police haven’t found any red flags in Ramos' school disciplinary files but learned through interviews that he engaged in cruelty to animals. “He walked around with a bag of dead cats,” McCraw said.?


heard blurb just now on news about todays meeting Arreeedondo has 3 chances to attend, today was the 2nd no-show after 3 they can charge him

The mayor has vowed to release a letter tomorrow to throw under the bus who ever needs to be under the bus live on scene quip

if anyone could whip up some quick sauce on that

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